Our Top Rated Debit Cards
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Why use a debit card when travelling abroad?
There are many reasons why people opt to use a travel debit card when overseas. Obviously the main reason for most is added security. Previously traveling abroad meant carrying large quantities of cash or being charged a small fortune to pay with your ever day credit or debit card abroad. Thankfully, these days are long gone. With one of the many debit cards and apps designed for spending abroad, you can rest assured that you have full control over your money without the worry about cash being lost or stolen.
Why use a prepaid debit card for day to day spending?
Prepaid debit cards have many uses. They can be used to pay for goods using chip and pin or more recently contactless payments. More often than not, you can also withdraw cash from ATMs should you need to. It is best to check the full terms and conditions of the card before doing so, as some card issuers may have a small transaction fee. With a pre paid debit card it is easier to control your money. Many parents see this as a good idea to keep their children’s spending safe and secure. For example, a pre paid debit card gives a child or teenager the security of a traditional debit card without the risks of a normal bank account.
What is the best pre paid debit card?
This is a question we hear all of the time. It basically depends on your needs. For example if you a looking to keep your currency safe when traveling and have access to ATM withdrawals while overseas then you will need to investigate a card designed for travelers such as Revolut or the Post Office Travel card. These types of card typically cater to people who need access to foreign currencies at the best possible rates. If you are looking for a pre paid card to keep your funds separate but to use in your home country then a more general debit card would probably be the best choice. All of this depends on how and where you will use it.
What can I find on this website?
This website was created to help people find the correct pre paid debit card. With over 50 different types readily available on the market, finding the correct one can be a time consuming and tedious task. We wanted to create a website that clearly and concisely presents the pros and cons of each card. You will find clear reviews and comparison tools which will help you understand how each card works and what the limitations are.
Can you use a pre paid debit card online?
The majority of pre paid debit cards can be used to make purchases online. Certainly, all of the pre paid debit cards that we feature on this website can be used online without any issues. In essence a pre paid card has the same functionality as a traditional debit card issued by your bank. You can spend in stores, restaurants and cafes etc as normal and also have the ability to withdraw cash from an ATM. We recommend checking to see if there are any additional fees, especially for ATM withdrawal as some companies charge for this. The best way is to check out our reviews.
Prepaid Currency Card Comparison
At present there are over 30+ pre-paid currency cards on the market. As a traveller looking for the best option before traveling overseas, it can be come time consuming and overwhelming when trying to find the best card for your needs. On this website we aim to make it as easy as possible for you to decide which currency card to use. We have tried to lay out each review using logical navigation so you can quickly find the answer to your main questions. Also, we aim to constantly add to your FAQ database so that you can quickly make a choice on which card to choose.
Best Cryptocurrency Debit Cards
With the rise in popularity with cryptocurrency, many people are now using this as a way to spend when traveling the world. There are various benefits which we try to cover in our cryptocurrency debit card reviews. Many people are not aware that you can use these cards just like a traditional debit card and you can spend wherever Mastercard is accepted. Some cryptocurrency cards even have contactless payments enabled meaning you can simply swipe your card and the payment is debited instantly. The cryptocurrency Mastercards come with a smartphone app to ensure you are in full control of your funds in every moment of your travels.
Debit cards for digital nomads
If you are working and living from different countries, one of the biggest issues is managing your finances. How do you know you are not wasting money in fees and conversion charges when spending abroad? Luckily for anyone who lives a nomadic lifestyle, there are several options for efficient spending abroad. If you need to withdraw cash from an ATM, we feature several cards that make cash withdrawals easy. If you want to be paid in local currency, we feature cards and bank accounts which will help make this process as smooth as possible. Take a look at the different options in the main menu, we are constantly updating reviews to ensure all information is up to date.
Digital banks with overdraft options
Many visitors ask the question, do digital bank/card providers offer emergency overdrafts? A few years ago, the answer would have been simply, no. However, there are now several companies that offer a whole host of traditional banking options such as loans and overdrafts. This is extremely handy if you are traveling and run into an emergency such as a cancelled flight or delayed onward travel meaning extra nights in an hotel. Check out the reviews section to find out everything you need to know about providers that offer an overdraft facility.
All your cards in one place
Did you know there are now companies that allow you to merge all your credit and debit cards into one place accessible by one card? This is a great way to lighten the load on your wallet and minimise the chance of losing one or more cards. The service we recommend for this is called Curve. Take a look at the review and see if it is right for you!