Common Questions About nimbl From Parents...
How much does nimbl cost?
There is a cost associated with nimbl however, the pricing structure is kept simple. You can either pay Β£2.49 per month or a one off payment of Β£28 per year. With the functionality and constant updates to the service we believe this fee is justified.
What is the nimbl card design?
The nimbl debit card is designed using the nimbl color scheme with the nimbl logo present on the front of the card. The card is contactless meaning you can use nimbl anywhere where contactless is accepted.
What are the nimbl card fees?
Other than the monthly or annual service fees there isint really many more costs apart from replacing a card which is Β£5. When using nimbl abroad there is a Β£1.50 withdrawal fee and you are charged a 2.95% foreign currency fee on purchases in other currencys.
Does nimbl get good reviews?
There are hundreds of nimbl reviews available online and generally speaking customers seem largely satsfied with the service nimbl provides. There are some negative complaints to be found but these tend to originate from minor bugs and lack of functionality when the service first launched.
How to get nimbl
Setting up your nimbl account is extremely straightforward. Simply click this link and register then download the app. (We can also offer 1 month free and 20% off the price).
How does nimbl work?
nimbl is an app for children controlled and managed by parents. Everything is done via the app and you an decide how and where your child spends their money while teaching them life skills such as saving and budgeting.
Can nimbl be used abroad?
Yes, nimbl can be used abroad wherever debit cards are accepted. Please note apart from the foreign transaction fees already mentioned, you may be also charged locally depending on the country you are visiting.
Is nimbl safe?
nimbl has many safety and security features. You can freeze your card directly from the app and the card issuer PrePay Technologies Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 900010).

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The Most Common nimbl Questions From Parents
DescriptionWe picked the most common questions from parents about nimbl and answered them, all in one place! Learn what concerns and queries parents have about nimbl!
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